Oulu historical society
Annual Membership
Individual $12
Family $20
Business or Group representation $25
Additional tax-deductible contributions are also welcome, and greatly appreciated.
As a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization,
the Oulu Historical Society depends on the support of our members to achieve our mission of local history preservation.
Membership in the Oulu Historical Society is open to any person interested in area history or the Oulu community who applies for membership. It is a wonderful way to learn about Oulu community history, as well as helping to preserve that history.
Become a Member
Membership dues are to be paid to the treasurer at the following annual rates:
Individual $12
Family $20
Business or Group representation $25
Additional tax-deductible contributions are also welcome, and greatly appreciated.
What’s Included
Annual dues include membership in both the 1) Oulu chapter of the Bayfield County Historical Society and 2) the Bayfield County Historical Society.
Members will receive regular newsletters from each organization.
Print this page. Clip and send the form with your payment to:
Oulu Historical Society
71055 Muskeg Road
Iron River, Wi 54847